Client background
A multi-billion-dollar global technology customer focused on semiconductor products and services, with a worldwide presence.
The client was looking for a single-window partner to handle all technical and creative content services in a managed service and outcome-based model
through a Center of Excellence (CoE). The client expected the CoE to scale up to handle any content services for all its business units across geographies.
The team started with handling technical documentation for a set of 3-4 essential products and slowly scaled up to a large team of content specialists handling content for over 20 business units of the client. The tasks handled include technical content development and publishing, content updates and sustenance, content transformation to DITA, FrameMaker migration, creative content handling such as Wiki Pages, video editing, infographics, and visual content. The team also handled training content development and content globalization (translation and localization for various geos).
The Center of Excellence (CoE) has provided easy scalability and flexibility and significant effort and resource optimization through the managed service model. The CoE has also expanded the catalog of services to handle all types of content ranging from technical to creative, from product-related to marketing. The team has brought in the right mix of skills and competencies to handle all types of content as per the client’s needs.
Business Impact
One of the foremost benefits delivered through the CoE has been the easy availability of a wide variety of content capabilities and competencies, on demand and on need-basis, in a time effective manner.
The team has scaled from 3-4 business units to over 30 business units today. The team has also expanded services across geos – started with US market and now caters to other geos globally. Over a period of 18 months the team has delivered over 20K pages of content.
The CoE has also consolidated work from independent vendors across locations and has reduced contracting spend by 40%. Also, the team has brought in content reuse and efficiencies thereby reducing content maintenance costs.
As an additional value add, the team has also facilitated translation and localization of content for global audiences and is currently setting up a customized solution around translation for the business context.