Client Background
Client: Telstra - Australia’s largest telecommunications company
Industry: Telecommunications
Area of operation: Over 20countries
Products & Services: Fixed lineand mobile telephony, Internetand data services, networkservices
Number of Employees: Over36,000
Revenue: AUD 27 Billion
NPS Initiative: Telstra, as a part of NPS (NetPromoter Score) Boost program, took up thechallenge of enhancing its customers’ old dataplans in three months. However, the Order Entryprocess required hiring and training of 450+ FTEsto complete the task in three months.
Cable Care D123: Telstra had the mammoth taskof migrating its customers from the old networkto a new network platform (DOCSIS 3.1) in the61-day timeline committed to the NationalBroadband Network (NBN). This required hiringand training of 25+ FTEs.
Wipro partnered with the client to implementrobotics along with Wipro’s proprietary CommandHub business operations platform. RPA of OrderEntry was enabled through codification ofbusiness rules. This helped implement anexception-based operating model aligned tofuturistic IT stack. Automation Integrator wasdesigned to help solve production challenges,delivering effective solutions with the lowestamount of risk.
NPS Initiative:
Wipro deployed the solution ofusing 50 robots and 23 FTEs working 24 X 7. Theprogram was successfully delivered in a recordtime of 3 months.
Cable Care D123: RPA was used to automate theOrder Build process to ensure customers weremigrated from the old to the new platform withinthe agreed timeframe. The targets were met withonly 4 FTEs and 9 robots.
Business Impact
Implementing process and automation optimization on-the-go based on requirements allowed proposing change requests to optimizerobot performance, thereby reducing the Fall Out rate. Telstra was also able to realize:
Customer Quote
"Wipro’s team was able to not only complete the development in record time, but also bring value to Telstra by ensuring we were operational by the regulator-enforced deadline. This could only be possible through pure dedication and perseverance. I thank Wipro for ensuring we meet our targets" - Al Sharifian, Sr. Project Manager, Telstra Corporation Limited