Field service organizations are grappling with a few challenges, ranging from digital expansion to complex risk management. The eBook underscores how ServiceNow, alongside its technology partners, is striving to address these issues and propel innovation in field service management.

However, the true value lies not just in the solutions themselves but in their correct implementation within your organization. That is where Wipro, in partnership with ServiceNow, comes in. Our focus is on empowering your workforce, streamlining processes, and enhancing customer satisfaction through solutions like Augmented reality (AR), Artificial intelligence (AI), and IoT (Internet of Things) sensor capturing capabilities.

1. Upskill Your Workforce 

Bridge the expertise gap by fostering knowledge sharing, enabling remote support and empowering on-site technicians with interactive 3D augmented reality (AR) models.

2. Proactively Detect and Resolve Issues

Harness the power of IoT sensors to schedule timely repairs, diagnose problems remotely and optimize field worker efficiency.

3. Improve Efficiency

Enable self-service for end-users, streamline processes and increase first-visit resolutions though the use of Augmented Reality.

Wipro, in collaboration with ServiceNow, offers a comprehensive suite of field service solutions, including:

  • Frictionless Service
  • Work Planning and Scheduling 
  • Resource Management 
  • Job Execution 
  • Data Insights

Access our eBook to explore how Wipro and ServiceNow can revolutionize your field service operations. Elevate your customer experience, cut operational costs, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving field service landscape. It's time to work smarter and achieve field service excellence. 

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