April | 2022

Site Reliability Engineering: Making Your IT Systems More Scalable, Reliable, and Efficient
Site Reliability Engineering: Making Your IT Systems More Scalable, Reliable, and Efficient
Key challenges faced by enterprises 

How this is addressed by SRE

Trust is the bedrock of businesses. Unreliable services can leave a permanent dent in the minds of the customer and specific actions need to be taken to improve reliability.

Protect brand reputation, compliance and improve business trust.
While enterprises have elaborate SLAs in place, the end user experience is not always in sync with the promises made in the SLA. Reasons could include not taking a service-level objective (SLO) driven approach for providing services, organizational silos etc.

Improved user experience with SLO driven methodology. Defining the right SLOs is extremely critical to establish benchmarks and set the right expectations of the stakeholders.


Dashboards with ‘watermelon’ metrics provide diminished value, as the problems experienced by the users in the IT systems are not visible on traditional monitoring platforms.

Reduce mean time to detect (MTTD) and mean time to respond (MTTR) with observability. Observability helps in enabling the right logs, traces and metrics as a feedback loop instrumentation of the systems is carried out on an ongoing basis by developers.

Around 50% of the time and effort by IT operations are spent on manual activities, resulting in loss of productivity. Manual interventions also can lead to considerable delay and inconsistency. With the emphasis on applying software engineering principles to IT operations, cycle time reduction with automation is an invaluable benefit.
IT is inundated with requests for new releases and bug fixes. However, there is an ongoing need to balance the priorities for new features versus the ones needed for establishing resiliency. Establish the right business priorities.
SRE value stream

Key outcomes

Area of focus

Jumpstart SRE

Governance model Target state operating model definition management. Engage with customer’s corporate reliability team OR establish the same.  Connect with the CXO to determine the need for embedding SRE in all areas under consideration
DevRelOps Reliability checkpoints at every stage of the pipeline Application development and DevOps. Embed reliability as a critical parameter in every checkpoint
SRE led automation Cycle time reduction  Toil estimation effort

Monitoring & observability

Reduction in MTTD and MTTR, customized and contextualized dashboards

Achieve critical business insights and improve IT operations in incident management and blameless post mortem


SRE design patterns Architectural resiliency

Review critical design patterns such as load shedding 

Enterprise digital operations center

SLO compliance and error budget estimations for continual feedback Managed services

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