The financial services sector is undergoing unprecedented disruption, a wild ride created by the digital revolution smashing up against COVID-19’s social and business upheavals.
The collision of these two forces in 2020 and 2021 quickly altered the competitive landscape. Financial services institutions (FSIs) had to become smarter and nimbler, working in new ways with unfamiliar technologies at an unparalleled pace to meet clients’ escalating digital demands. Firms also had to deal with increased competition as fintechs and technology giants looked to take advantage of uncertain macro and micro economic environments.
In this paper, Capco and Wipro FullStride Cloud Services lay out the industry’s current state as seen through the eyes of practitioners, how cloud technologies are being used as an accelerant to drive growth and return on investment (ROI), and what lies ahead for our clients during the next few years.
Key findings include:
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