The Executive Order - Key Takeaways
Public and private sector organizations in the US are under attack by nation states and cyber criminals using increasingly sophisticated and malicious activities. Cases such as the Solar Winds, Colonial Pipelines, and Microsoft Exchange point to a need to improve cyber defenses, protect public and private sector entities and the American people’s security and privacy.
On 12th May 2021, the US President signed an executive order that covered three key areas to improve national cybersecurity:
Improve software supply chain security by establishing baseline security standards
Modernize and implement stronger cybersecurity standards
Improve the Federal Government’s investigative and remediation capabilities
Key Considerations for a New Reality
For effective implementation of policies, frameworks, standards and guidelines that will be formulated as part of the execution of the order, the top management should seek answers to key questions in each of the three areas in order to understand their current state and the gaps:
Software Supply Chain Security
Modernize Cybersecurity
Improve Cyber Defense
Strategies to Improve Cybersecurity Posture
Consider developing a strategy that helps close the gaps identified in your supply chain security, the current cybersecurity structure, and cyber defense mechanism. People, process, and technology, play a critical role in building cyber resilience and improving your cybersecurity posture. Following are the points you could consider:
Modernize and Implement stronger cybesecurity standards
Strengthen cyber defence