
In response to the new CMS guidelines detailing the Maximum Monthly Cap on Cost-Sharing Payments Program, Wipro is proud to introduce our new product, Medicare Prescription Payment Plan360 (MPPP360).

To meet all the CMS regulatory requirements, Wipro’s MPPP360 is a comprehensive solution that provides what you need – an integrated member billing methodology that manages your member’s eligibility, enrollment in the Medicare Prescription Payment plan program, monthly and ongoing member maintenance, member prescription billing, delinquency processing, and financial reporting.

Key highlights of Wipro’s MPPP360 Solution

  • End to end prescription payment plan Billing and Payment solution built around CMS guidelines with fully automated current & retro invoice calculation capabilities based on Member opt-in and prescription data adjustments. Wipro’s Connect360 framework provides seamless Realtime/batch integrations with Health Plan, PBMs, Payment gateways and Fulfillment partners.
  • Device agnostic Associate Portal, integrated with MPPP360 Member Portal and Billing module, provides a role based access and unified UI experience for Sales agents, CRM representatives and BPO staff to manage member opt-in and opt-out.
  • Device agnostic Member Portal (Optional) to manage member opt-in and opt-out. The member Portal is fully customizable to include Health plan specific branding and provides exhaustive beneficiary self service capabilities.
  • Customer service (Operations) Wipro’s MPPP360 is a comprehensive BPaaS solution that includes end to end ownership of Customer service and Back-office operations including enrollment support, payment & refund processing, and member support services, and Print & fulfillment services
  • Wipro’s MPPP360 solution will help improve Star rating by enhancing Customer Service and Member experience. 

Implementation Plan for Wipro’s MPPP360 Solution (Proposed)

Following is our proposed implementation timeline for Medicare Prescription Payment Plan Solution

Medicare Prescription Payment Plan360 – MPPP360

Why Choose Wipro?

Wipro offers a BPaaS solution and takes end-to-end ownership of product development, maintenance, service, and operations. Clients have no add-on costs for additional compliance or regulatory changes from CMS.

Medicare Prescription Payment Plan360 – MPPP360

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