For over three decades, Wipro has led the way in providing highly efficient and dependable Medicaid fiscal agent services. Our commitment to innovation drives the enhancement of provider and member experiences, as well as the optimization of mailroom operations for prominent Medicaid and commercial payers.

Key Features

The Fiscal Agent Services module and financial operations transformation strategy include:

  • Provider Management, Support, and Education: Strengthen provider relationships with comprehensive management and educational resources.
  • Recipient/Member Services & Support: Deliver exceptional support and services to Medicaid recipients and members.
  • Claim Processing and Payment Administration: Ensure accurate and timely claim handling and payment distribution.
  • Prior Authorizations: Streamline the authorization process for services and treatments.
  • Utilization Review and Quality Assurance: Maintain high standards of care and service utilization.
  • Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT): Support essential health services for children and young adults.
  • Financial Services and Reimbursements: Manage financial transactions and reimbursements with precision.
  • Mailroom and Fulfillment Services: Optimize mailroom operations for efficiency and reliability.
  • Drug Rebates: Administer drug rebate processes effectively.
  • Third-party Liability Services: Coordinate benefits and ensure proper liability coverage.
  • Contact Center Services: Provide responsive and informative contact center support.

Leverage Wipro EMaaS's comprehensive fiscal agent services to optimize operations and enhance outcomes, ensuring a future-ready Medicaid ecosystem.