Wipro EMaaS Financial Management module equips state agencies with a comprehensive view of Medicaid financials through user-friendly, integration-ready financial dashboards. The module facilitates accurate and prompt payments to providers/MCOs, ensures correct fund category allocation, and generates in-depth federal and state financial reports.

Key Features

The Wipro EMaaS Financial Management Module features a unified framework that consolidates and streamlines financial accounting operations, including:

  • Operational and Financial Data: Access and analyze financial data for informed decision-making.
  • Accounts Payable: Manage outgoing payments with accuracy and efficiency.
  • Accounts Receivable: Track incoming payments to maintain financial health.
  • General Ledger: Maintain a complete and accurate record of all financial transactions.
  • State and Federal Financial Reporting: Simplify compliance with detailed reporting capabilities.
  • Cash Control: Monitor and manage cash flow to optimize financial resources.
  • Fund Category Allocation: Allocate funds appropriately to ensure compliance and accountability.
  • Claims Reimbursement: Process reimbursements swiftly and accurately to maintain provider trust.

Maximize Medicaid visibility and enhance financial stewardship with the precision and clarity of Wipro EMaaS Financial Management.