Welcome to the State of Quality Report Edition 2.
In the previous edition of the report, we followed the metamorphosis of testing from its humble and reactive beginnings into proactive engineering of quality. This change continues to be driven by technology, user gravity and business proximity as global organizations aspire to go boundary-less while protecting their business interests.
This year, we go a step further to share some specific patterns in Quality Engineering that are enabling digital transformation, as organizations try to increasingly humanize the customer experience and aspire to improve engineering productivity. The real question that everyone is trying to identify and answer is, "what are the frequently occurring 'patterns of problems' and how can these patterns, when addressed, enable organizations to build Quality@Source?"
The uniqueness of this report is its ground data-based approach. This report analyses data from over 1,500+ QA projects across 400+ global organizations, data from 1000+ RFPs, consulting assignments, and customer, analyst and expert interactions spread across industries.
Here’s a glimpse into the highly relevant patterns highlighted in the report:
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