Date: January 13 - 15, 2019
Time: 03:00 AM to 11:30 AM

What Experts says about us

NRF 2019 Inspired by Design, Driven by Technology

Wipro- RIS News comissioned a joint Retail Research "Digital Transformation Wake up Call" by Joe Skorupa

Joe Skorupa, RIS News on working with Wipro on a joint research report "Digital Transformation Wake up Call"

What We Do

What We Think

NRF 2019 Inspired by Design, Driven by Technology

Delivering engagement, customization and customer delight...At every step of retail journey

Meeting the multichannel consumer's increasing expectations for speed, convenience is forcing retailers to revamp obsolete supply chains to a more digitized supply chain.

What We Want You To Experience

NRF 2019 Inspired by Design, Driven by Technology

Retail experience made richer, more engaging and enjoyable by Wipro

Offering customers a seamless shopping experience across channels, using AI, Analytics AR,VR by combining e-commerce with in-store shopping to create a connected retail experience.