Managing the risk, security and compliance of generative AI (GenAI) is a formidable challenge for CISOs. However, the rapid evolution of GenAI and large language model tools, with their seemingly unlimited capabilities, often leads to risk management being overlooked. Key challenges surrounding the increased use of AI include:

State of Cybersecurity Report 2023 Spotlight on AI
State of Cybersecurity Report 2023 Spotlight on AI

AI, along with its machine learning (ML) and generative AI components, has the potential to significantly transform the cybersecurity landscape. It can continuously grow and learn, enabling defense reactions that outpace the tactics of the bad actors, even when they employ previously unseen attack patterns.

But like all tools, AI is only as good as the people using it. To ensure a robust AI cybersecurity framework, a collaborative approach is essential. This involves having the right individuals to write the code, test it, and most importantly, oversee the AI programs on an ongoing basis.

To discover valuable insights on deploying cost-effective AI governance, including strategies to prevent security vulnerabilities and backdoors that may lead to data breaches by cyber thieves or business competitors, download our Spotlight on AI.