In the current business climate, change has become the status quo. Increasingly, more pressures (globalization, technology, customer demands) are pushing companies to respond, often requiring a department or organizational transformation. However, many change programs fail to achieve their goals. The irony is that change is necessary to survive and thrive. How do companies break out of this cycle?

The answer is determining an organization’s change maturity. Effective change management starts with minimizing the disruptions that can negatively impact the success of any type of change program. Change leaders should begin any change management exercise by asking a simple question: Is my organization well-prepared to embrace and celebrate change?

What is Change Maturity, and What is Wipro’s Change Maturity Assessment?

Drawing on more than 20 years of deep experience in large-scale change management, Wipro has developed a model that calculates a company’s change maturity – a company’s readiness for change. The Change Maturity Assessment model provides an unbiased evaluation that helps organizations structure their transformation projects for success. The assessment maps out five essential dimensions of successful change (the “5Cs”):

  • Change Sponsorship
  • Competency
  • Capacity
  • Capability
  • Culture

The Change Maturity Assessment aims to determine the current maturity level of an organization’s change management (OCM) approach in these five dimensions. The 5Cs further divide maturity into granular aspects, each equally important in evaluating preparedness for change. In addition to a ranking in each of the five critical areas, the assessment identifies strengths and weaknesses, proposes short- and long-term goals and points toward best practices and global benchmarks for success.

Discover Your Organization’s Change Maturity 

Are you considering a change program? Wipro’s Change Maturity Assessment is the optimal starting point. A 45-minute assessment session will provide a maturity ranking across the 5Cs and an actionable plan to improve your organization’s change maturity.

Change management is a critical driver of business success for all people, process, and technology transformations. Reach out via the contact form below to launch your change management transformation.

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