For years, businesses have focused on providing a seamless customer experience. But the ‘Age of the Employee’ has arrived, and companies need to take note. Changing dynamics are aloft that will significantly impact the employee experience. A job has become part of the employee’s value system, and employees want to have a say in shaping their work experience.

This new dynamic means that companies will need to pay more attention to the importance of the employee experience, as it has become a critical element in choosing a job. Companies must adapt to the needs and preferences of this new workforce and find ways to provide smoother employee experiences, secure remote working and more flexibility. 

Emerging Dynamics that Will Differentiate the Employee Experience

A new generation of employees is redefining what they want from their jobs and how they want to work. This evolving employee experience is starting to impact recruiting. Companies that invest in employee experience are 4.4 times more likely to be listed on LinkedIn as North America’s most in-demand employers and 2.1 times more likely to be listed on Forbes World’s Most Innovative Companies. These are more desirable and succeed in attracting and retaining top employees. 

Multiple dynamics are reshaping the new workplace experience. Companies must recognize these preferences and respond with expanded benefits to provide a differentiated employee experience. 

1. Emphasis on Diversity and Inclusion: With a more diverse workforce, companies are beginning to recognize the importance of creating an inclusive workplace culture that values and respects differences, including policies and practices that promote diversity and inclusion.

2. Flexibility and Work-Life Balance: Younger generations, millennials and Gen Z, emphasize work-life balance and flexibility. Companies are responding by offering more flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options, flexible hours, and unlimited vacation policies. A 2022 FlexJobs Career Pulse Survey found the top two reasons employees seek new jobs are lack of work-life balance and no remote/hybrid work options. 

3. Technology and Digital Transformation: With the rise of digital natives, companies are embracing technology and digital transformation to create a more seamless and efficient workplace experience. New technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and automation will streamline workflows and increase productivity. As the boundaries of traditional computing get redefined with these new technologies, it makes sense that workspace tools will also change. 

4. Employee Engagement and Empowerment: As younger generations enter the workforce, they are seeking opportunities for growth, development, and empowerment. Companies are providing opportunities for professional development, leadership training, and employee engagement initiatives to foster a sense of ownership and purpose among employees. These employees have higher expectations for technology and collaboration. Companies should promote a sense of purpose and give employees a say in defining their work experience, including their technology experience.

Device Choice Improves the Employee Experience

The technology experience significantly impacts the overall employee experience. Cumbersome technology and processes increase the risk of worker burnout, leading to higher turnover. For a tech-savvy generation, technology tools can make or break their work experience, efficiency levels, confidence in the role and opinion about a company. 

One initiative that can improve employee experience is a device choice program. Device choice programs allow the employee to choose the type of computer (and other devices). A Wipro survey found that employees with device choice programs were 71% more productive due to high levels of engagement, 73% more loyal to the company and 74% responded they were proud to work for their employers. Device choice provides the connection to values and a sense of empowerment. 

For companies that offer this benefit, one device is rising to the top – Mac. A global technology company with a device choice program reported that 59% of new hires chose a Mac computer and 65% of existing employees would switch to Mac given the opportunity. What is behind this growing trend?

1. Design and User Experience: Mac computers are known for their sleek and modern design, intuitive user interface, and ease of use. Many millennials and Gen Z employees appreciate these features because they value aesthetics and a good user experience. In a Wipro survey, 60% of existing PC users responded that their productivity would improve with a Mac, and 41% believe Mac devices are easier to use. Many new and existing employees want a choice of computers, and Mac computers have the same seamless experience they already know with their personal devices. 

2. Creativity and Innovation: Many millennials and Gen Z employees view Mac as a tool to help them express their creativity and innovation. It should be no surprise that 84% of the world’s most innovative companies use Mac

3. A Familiar Platform: Many millennials and Gen Z employees prefer using a Mac because it is the device they have used for years in middle and high school and college. When employees start working on a tool they know, onboarding and learning curves are reduced, getting a new hire to productivity faster. 

4. Compatibility and Integration: Many workplaces use other Apple products, such as iPhone and iPad which seamlessly integrate with Mac, making it easier for employees to access and share information across devices to streamline their workflows. As a result, more employees want to use them. Ten years ago, Mac represented only 12.86% of desktops. That number has increased to 31.34%. 

Wipro Device Choice Program Results

In 2022, the Wipro Executive Committee embraced employee choice and offered new associates a device choice program. The committee anticipated an overwhelming number of candidates would choose Mac. And they did. 

While Wipro estimated positive impacts on company economics, employee recruiting efforts and sustainability goals, the results were astounding. The total economic impact was 55,000 hours saved in two months by the IT department, deploying 7800 Mac devices that did not require Windows imaging. The effect on recruiting was stunning. The campaign results are below.

  • Over 10K LinkedIn impressions for #macAtWipro
  • Wipro Mac unboxing videos had approximately 50K views!
o 37k – Watch the video  
o 8.5K – View here  

As expected, moving to Mac improved our sustainability goals. We achieved 1,428,000 KG CO2 emissions savings, equivalent to eliminating 5,752,604 miles driven by gasoline-powered passenger vehicles. 

These results overlapped the findings of a 2021 Forrester Consulting study, Total Economic Impact™ (TEI), analyzing the impact of adopting Mac devices in the enterprise. The study found that organizations chose Mac because they prioritized the employee experience, Mac devices were easy to deploy and manage and leaders believed Mac to be more secure than PC. 

Some companies may hesitate to offer device choice due to a lack of in-house skills supporting macOS. However, support for Mac is easy. Apple and others have proven device management solutions and service programs. Mac computers are more stable than PCs because Apple controls every aspect of building and assembling their systems. Due to its UNIX roots, Apple has tight control over its software, making it more difficult to exploit. These tight controls lead to lower support costs. 

Companies may be surprised to find a lower total cost of ownership for Mac, with approximately $678 savings in servicing costs per computer over three years. 

An Effective Strategy to Address the Changing Employee Experience

Companies can no longer put every employee in the same box. Employees want a say in their work experience. Adopting a new set of benefits, like a device choice program, gives them just that. Technology choice is a good way to address employees’ needs and desires to express their individuality and creativity. 

Device choice programs will also improve several corporate metrics like a shorter and streamlined employee onboarding experience, a lower overall cost of ownership, a better company reputation as viewed by current and potential employees and a better employee experience. And great employee experiences lead to higher employee engagement. In the age of the employee, companies that adapt to changing priorities will attract and retain top talent and be more competitive in the modern workforce. 

In device choice programs, Mac is emerging as the computer of choice. For the younger generations, a Mac provides a seamless transition from their personal experience with technology to their work experience. The Apple brand appeals to employees’ identity and values. It has always symbolized individualism and creativity and now is becoming an effective strategy to give employees more control in defining their employee experience.


About the Author

Timothy Lydon

Global Apple Partnership Leader

Wipro FullStride Cloud

Tim Lydon is Wipro’s Global leader of the Apple Partnership.  Tim has executed several of largest enterprise deployments of Mac Device Choice programs.  Tim advises enterprise executives on how they can improve the employee experience, reduce costs and improve sustainability by expanding the adoption of Mac.