Gamification, or game-based experience services, creates intuitive, user-centric experiences that deepen consumer engagement, build brand stickiness, and even enhance internal training efforts by rewarding users for accomplishing specific tasks. This reward or competition, when coupled with emerging technologies like augmented and virtual reality, allows brands to gamify activities that create a long-standing positive impact for a product or service.
Wipro’s game-based experiences enable enterprises to rapidly implement gamified experiences in business functions related to learning, recruitment, customer sales, support, and more. Working with the team at Designit, companies can implement gamification in a variety of areas, including:
1.Employee Experience – Create new experiences in the talent acquisition lifecycle, enhancing employee productivity through better engagement and performance.
2.Training – Create new experiences that engage, support and maximize continuous learning.
3.Customer Loyalty – Create experiences to understand user engagement and increase sales.